Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Four Month Old Birthday!!!

Happy Four Month Old Birthday Baby Girl!!! Mommy & Daddy love you so much and thank God for blessing us with you. You are truly a joy in our lives and we enjoy every second being with you!!! Happy Birthday Lit'l Love!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mickey Mouse & Me

Today I was hanging out with Mickey Mouse and he asked me a question...

He asked, What is Minnie's favorite thing to wear?

I was stumped!!!

He said, A Minnie Skirt!!

He is sooooo funny!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Photo Flashback Comparison

Here are some photo comparisons of my swing and me!!!

June 5th - I Am Five Weeks Old

August 23rd - I am Sixteen Weeks Old

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Dedication

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Tulare and I was dedicated at the same church my mommy and daddy were married in. I got to meet a lot more family and had a fun time!!! Here are some pics of the service.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Visited Grandpa and Grandma Hinesly's House

Last weekend, I went to Grandpa and Grandma Hinesly's house and got to visit with them. I also met Austin. I met Grandpa before, but it was my first time meeting Grandma and Austin. They are all so nice and have already invited me to go on vacation in the motorhome!!! I can tell I am my parent's kid when I am already planning vacations down the road from now!!!

Austin, Grandpa, and Me

Grandma and Me

My Bear Hug

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Talking With Daddy

Every day when my Daddy gets off work, he sits me on his lap and we talk about my day.
Today, we videotaped our conversation. I enjoy our talks!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Saw "My Girls"

A few weeks ago, my mommy and daddy took me to Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara where I was born, to meet My Girls...Stephanie, on the left, was the nurse who actually caught me and delivered me. The doctor had not arrived yet. I was in good hands!!! Sloan, on the right, was the guardian angel who monitored me nightly in my mommy's womb, shared snack time until the wee hours with my mommy, and made the cute beanie I have on. These will forever be, "My Girls"!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My First Fiesta

Fiesta is a party held in Santa Barbara once a year. We went to a Mercado for Fiesta lunch with my "Santa Barbara Grandparents", Jim & Linda, my daddy's boss. I had a lot of fun and the churros were very good! ;)

Mmm, Churros

The burrito is as big as me

Aunt Debbie, Jim & Linda's daughter

Grandpa, Me, and Grandma

Friday, August 1, 2008

My First Fair

Mommy and Daddy took me to the Ventura County Fair today. It is the only fair in California right on the beach. I saw lots of babies just like me and I had a lot of fun!!!

Having Fun!!!

Baby Pigs

Good Times!!!