Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a poll on the right margin for you to guess what I was going to be for Halloween. Since, I am so small still, I thought the perfect costume would be...


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy 6 Month Birthday!!!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much and thank God for blessing us with you...It is hard to believe it has been six months. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My New Recliner

Some babies use a Boppy to help them sit up, I use it as a recliner...

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Can Help Mom Cook!!!

One of the things I can do now that I have a Bumbo (the thing I am sitting in), I can help Mommy. I now oversee Mom cooking dinner in the kitchen. I hand her tools she may need and advise her on spices, times, etc. I am the junior chef at my house!!!

Ummm, more pepper for Daddy!!!

Keep Stirring!!!

I Love Cooking!!!

So much fun helping Mommy cook!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Have A Bumbo!!!

My parents bought me a Bumbo. This is the pink thing I am sitting in...It is designed to help me sit up better and does not allow me to fall over. I can do more things now. However, I was not to excited at first, as you can see from the picture...

But, Now I Love It!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Love My Minnie Mouse Chair

My Mommy and Daddy bought me a Minnie Mouse chair several months ago and I am finally getting where I can sit in it pretty good. I love my chair and have fun in it!

Photo Comparisons - Week By Week

Twenty-Five Weeks Old

Twenty-Four Weeks Old

Twenty-Three Weeks Old

Twenty-Two Weeks Old

Twenty-One Weeks Old

Twenty Weeks Old

Nineteen Weeks Old

Eighteen Weeks Old

Seventeen Weeks Old

Sixteen Weeks Old

Fifteen Weeks Old

Fourteen Weeks Old

Thirteen Weeks Old

Twelve Weeks Old

Eleven Weeks Old

Ten Weeks Old

Nine Weeks Old

Eight Weeks Old

Seven Weeks Old

Six Weeks Old

Five Weeks Old

Four Weeks Old

Three Weeks Old

Two Weeks Old

One Week Old

One Day Old