Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cute Baby

My Mommy and Daddy bought me an ExerSaucer a couple weeks ago. I love it and have a lot of fun playing with all the toys. One of the things I like is the mirror, as you can see from the photos Mommy took, she caught me looking at a cute baby! (The mirror makes me look distorted, and covered in chicken pox, however, I am really fine!!!)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Have Graduated to the Sippy Cup!!!

I have been watching Mommy and Daddy drink from glasses and have been wanting to hold their glasses, so they felt it was time to try a sippy cup. Well, I am a natural!!! This is my first attempt!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My First Trip To Disneyland!!!

For my Mommy's birthday, my Daddy and I surprised her with a trip to Disneyland. She has been wanting to take me for my first time and I had a lot of fun. I rode lots of rides and had a great two days. I may forget it all when I am two, or possibly already, but I guarantee it will be a weekend my parents will never forget. They bought annual passes again without blackout dates, so I have a feeling I will be returning again soon!!!

My Official Button

Winnie the Pooh ride

I rode Haunted Mansion and Pirate's of the Caribbean

I Love the Carousel!!! I rode it again...

and again...

and again...

...and even the carousel at CA Adventure...It was a seahorse like my outfit and bib!

I met Minnie Mouse!!! She was wearing a witch costume for Halloween

She liked Me.

We took a family photo in front of the giant Mickey pumpkins

I rode the Mark Twain!!!

Daddy and I played at the front of the boat as it went around

I had great food, but it tasted a lot like Mommy's home cooking!!!

I rode the Disneyland train.

We saw a show with Woody

and even Mickey Mouse and Cinderella

We got another family picture with Pluto and Minnie Mouse

I loved the parades

I loved hanging out with my Mommy, but the day was long

and I faded away fast!!!

I can't wait to go back with my cousin Jordin and Aunt Kari in early December and with Grandma and Grandpa J, Uncle Greg and Aunt Susan, and my cousin, Tyler right after Christmas!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy

Happy Birthday Mommy!!! I love you very much!!! Thank you for being the best mommy to me. I hope you enjoyed Daddy and my surprise with your trip to Disneyland. I had a lot of fun riding the rides with you and I want you to know I watch your every move and hope I grow up as pretty and as good of a mommy as you are to me!!! I Love You!!! xoxoxo Happy Birthday!!!