Tuesday, December 29, 2009


After seeing Santa Claus since Thanksgiving in parades, tv shows, the mall, the grocery store, Disneyland (where I got too close for comfort), I saw he visited Bailey in South Carolina, the unthinkable happened to me!!! Santa came to my house!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

He brought me a play kitchen, lots of food, lots of dishes and pots and pans, A Barbie quad, a Little Mermaid tricycle that blows bubbles, Barnie DVD's, and a stroller, high chair, and bassinet for my babies! I must have been a good girl!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cowgirl Leilani

Howdy Pardners!!! My daddy got some pictures of me
riding my pony. He is a good horse!

Yee Haw!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playground Fun

We recently went to the beach with my Grandpa and Grandma Hinesly. I had a lot of fun and I played on the playground. I love to slide all by myself! I had so much fun, I didn't want to leave!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

For Halloween, I went as Squirt from Finding Nemo... This was my first Halloween where I could trick or treat without being held, and not nursing. (Nursing on mom while trick or treating is awkward). I was too small last year... But, I had a lot of fun this year!

For the record...I searched everywhere and never found Nemo!!!

Photo Comparisons

Halloween 2008

Halloween 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Decorating Fun

Last weekend, we decorated cupcakes for Halloween at my Meme and Papa's house. We had a lot of fun decorating and eating them...

Spider Cupcake

My cousin, Jordin

A Near Food Fight!!!

Danae and Jaime

Mallory decorating

A Cat Cupcake

Lots of cupcakes, lots of fun

Mallory, Danae, and Jordin

a sun cupcake (maybe to represent daylight savings time)

then I got to do the best part, EAT THE CUPCAKE!!! I had a lot of fun eating the icing and the cupcake.

Things were going fine until my cousin said they wanted to eat a cupcake, and wanted MINE!!!

I showed them who was boss!!!