Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Year Ago...

One Year Ago at 7:15 pm, God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl named Leilani. It is so hard to believe that a year has flown by and our little three pound fragile baby is becoming a lit'l toddler now. She is getting so big! She has blessed us with an incredible year of late nights, early mornings, laughter, pure joy, dirty diapers, spit ups, peeing on us, throwing food, feeling safe in Daddy's arms, and lots of kisses.

What a year it has been...Happy Birthday baby girl!!! Mommy and Daddy love you sooo much and we treasure you!!!

Happy Birthday From Your Friends!!!

Happy Birthday Leilani!!!

Happy Birthday Leilani!!!


Minnie Mouse

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birthday Party RSVP Deadline Has Passed!!!

My Mommy and Daddy recently sent out invitations to my 1st birthday party and we wanted to remind you that we need to know if you are coming soon so we can have food and a seat for you...Please e-mail my Mom at or call her immediately if you have not already done so!!! We are serving food and would like to have enough for all those attending...

I would love to see you there!!!

For reference, the party is at:
Tulare Church of God (where mom and dad were married)
833 N. Blackstone
Tulare, CA 93274
Saturday, May 2nd 11:00am
Lunch is Provided for Those Who RSVP ;)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Fun in The Sun

It was a warm day today and we pulled out my pool to celebrate. It was my first time swimming in it and I pulled out my bathing suit to take a dip. I had a lot of fun!!! Afterward, I ate some juicy watermelon. Does it get any better???

I Love Spaghetti!!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun With Aunt Deeann

I met my Aunt Deeann for the first time last weekend.
She is my Grandpa Hinesly's sister. She is a hoot!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fun With Danae

I recently went camping with my Grandpa and Grandma Hinesly.
Uncle Richard and Aunt Tiffany came with Deven and Danae. Here are
a couple of pictures of me hanging out with Danae.