Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our Furry Visitor

Yesterday, I was playing in the backyard and came inside for a few minutes. I kept motioning outside, and Mommy saw what I saw. The neighbor's daughters have a lit'l bunny rabbit and it crawled under the fence to visit me... He was very cute and I even put some lettuce out for him to eat. But, he went back under the fence to his home.

I am going to keep a lookout for him!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Who Says I Don't Look Like My Grandpa's???

Whenever I visit my Grandpa's, this is a site I often see... While watching tv this morning, I was also resting my eyes!!!

Then I rolled over... Lets see you grandpa's do this!!!