Tuesday, December 29, 2009


After seeing Santa Claus since Thanksgiving in parades, tv shows, the mall, the grocery store, Disneyland (where I got too close for comfort), I saw he visited Bailey in South Carolina, the unthinkable happened to me!!! Santa came to my house!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

He brought me a play kitchen, lots of food, lots of dishes and pots and pans, A Barbie quad, a Little Mermaid tricycle that blows bubbles, Barnie DVD's, and a stroller, high chair, and bassinet for my babies! I must have been a good girl!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cowgirl Leilani

Howdy Pardners!!! My daddy got some pictures of me
riding my pony. He is a good horse!

Yee Haw!!!