Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pizza Party

Mommy and I had a pizza party and made homemade pizzas.  I had sooo much fun!!!  I also enjoyed eating the cheese and pepperoni while making it too...

The finished product, ready to go in the oven

Mommy put it in the oven for me because it is very hot!!!

My finished product...looks yummy!

It was very good and a lot of fun!!!  
I even got to drink some root beer for being a good helper to Mommy!!!  

I even helped make Mommy & Daddy's pizza too...

Friday, September 24, 2010

My First Waterslide

While onboard the big ship, I went on my first waterslide.  My Daddy said it was a perfect match!!  I love sliding and I love water.  He was right!!!  I REALLY love the waterslides!!!

Then, Daddy had me do something more go down them on my tummy!!!  I was brave and when I was done, I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!! 

I love waterslides!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Vacation

I went to Walt Disney World with my family and I got to take pictures with a lot of characters!!!