Monday, May 4, 2009

My Birthday Party

We partied this weekend in celebration of my very first birthday...I had a lot of fun. We had about 60 people come, and some from as far as 3 hours away. Thank you to all my family who helped make the party a success and helped ensure that all left with a full tummy. The food and cake was great!!!

My party theme was Minnie Mouse. I have included some pictures of my party for now, but I will add more of the pinata and me eating my very first cake. It was yummy and messy! I should have new pictures all week!!!


No1LikeThisGirl said...

YAHHH! The party was a huge success! I am so thankful I could be there to celebrate with everyone! She has grown so so much!

Matt and Tammy's blog said...

Very cute, The picture with Mommy and Nikki is really cute. Wish we could of been there with you. We will meet you in 4 more days.

Love Tammy