Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My New Swingset

I asked for gift cards for my 2nd birthday to go towards my Mommy and Daddy buying me a swingset.  I was so excited when I realized what my Papa and Daddy were building over the weekend was my very own slide and swings!!!  So, I present my swingset and me playing on it over the last several days...

My new clubhouse and swingset just built

A ladder I can climb on because I am a big girl

Yes...sometimes I get excited and take my clothes off to climb things ;)

It has its own chalkboard

I love to sit and look out my window

Then, Mommy added my own personal touches, Surfboards and my name

I love to swing

I love to slide

a good landing

soooo much fun

cant get enough of the swing

my other swing...

The drawback is that all the sliding and swinging can wear me out.  
I was so relaxed on the swing, I just fell asleep!!!!

Thank you to everybody for your gifts!!!

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