Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning: Santa Claus Came To See Me!!!

My Mommy and Daddy told me to think about what I would tell Santa Claus I wanted for Christmas when I went to see him.  I wanted a bike with training wheels!  I was very brave and set on his lap all by myself and told him what I wanted and that I had been a good girl...  Phase One was done! ;-)

Phase Two:  Bake him some cookies and milk to keep him happy and strong!

Phase Three:  Leave them by the fire place and keep watch for him in the night sky...I hope he didn't mind sharing some of his cookies with me!

I kept watch but eventually I fell asleep...The stockings were hung and I had done my part, it was now up to him!!!

The next morning I woke up and Santa Claus had come to see me!!!  I was so excited!!!

He ate my milk and cookies...

And Brought Me My Bike With Training Wheels!!!

Santa Claus even left me a note!!!

I love my bike, now I just need to learn to ride it!!! 

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Leilani & Santa Claus

I sat on Santa's lap a few weeks ago and told him what I wanted for Christmas this year...a bike with training wheels!!!  I have been good all year!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa Sent Me A Message!!!

Here is a picture of me with Santa when I was 8 months old!!!  But, you wont believe what Santa did!!!

Santa sent me a message and I would love for you to see it!!!  CLICK HERE to see what he told me!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pizza Party

Mommy and I had a pizza party and made homemade pizzas.  I had sooo much fun!!!  I also enjoyed eating the cheese and pepperoni while making it too...

The finished product, ready to go in the oven

Mommy put it in the oven for me because it is very hot!!!

My finished product...looks yummy!

It was very good and a lot of fun!!!  
I even got to drink some root beer for being a good helper to Mommy!!!  

I even helped make Mommy & Daddy's pizza too...

Friday, September 24, 2010

My First Waterslide

While onboard the big ship, I went on my first waterslide.  My Daddy said it was a perfect match!!  I love sliding and I love water.  He was right!!!  I REALLY love the waterslides!!!

Then, Daddy had me do something more go down them on my tummy!!!  I was brave and when I was done, I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!! 

I love waterslides!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Vacation

I went to Walt Disney World with my family and I got to take pictures with a lot of characters!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back Yard Fun

Here are some pictures of Leilani in the backyard this morning...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My New Swingset

I asked for gift cards for my 2nd birthday to go towards my Mommy and Daddy buying me a swingset.  I was so excited when I realized what my Papa and Daddy were building over the weekend was my very own slide and swings!!!  So, I present my swingset and me playing on it over the last several days...

My new clubhouse and swingset just built

A ladder I can climb on because I am a big girl

Yes...sometimes I get excited and take my clothes off to climb things ;)

It has its own chalkboard

I love to sit and look out my window

Then, Mommy added my own personal touches, Surfboards and my name

I love to swing

I love to slide

a good landing

soooo much fun

cant get enough of the swing

my other swing...

The drawback is that all the sliding and swinging can wear me out.  
I was so relaxed on the swing, I just fell asleep!!!!

Thank you to everybody for your gifts!!!