Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning: Santa Claus Came To See Me!!!

My Mommy and Daddy told me to think about what I would tell Santa Claus I wanted for Christmas when I went to see him.  I wanted a bike with training wheels!  I was very brave and set on his lap all by myself and told him what I wanted and that I had been a good girl...  Phase One was done! ;-)

Phase Two:  Bake him some cookies and milk to keep him happy and strong!

Phase Three:  Leave them by the fire place and keep watch for him in the night sky...I hope he didn't mind sharing some of his cookies with me!

I kept watch but eventually I fell asleep...The stockings were hung and I had done my part, it was now up to him!!!

The next morning I woke up and Santa Claus had come to see me!!!  I was so excited!!!

He ate my milk and cookies...

And Brought Me My Bike With Training Wheels!!!

Santa Claus even left me a note!!!

I love my bike, now I just need to learn to ride it!!! 

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

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