Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beach Day

Earlier this week, my Mommy and Daddy took me to one of my favorite places, the beach!!!  I love the beach and I love to take my bucket and find neat shells and rocks. 

I am exploring with Mommy

Finding rocks and shells makes me thirsty!

 I love to build sand castles with my Daddy

Then, Daddy and I go play in the water together!!!

I had a lot of fun at the beach!  When you come to my house to see me, I will show you the beach too! ;-)


Anonymous said...

She looks so big there, so tall. And she is in the water WOW. What a big girl she is.
Love you Baby GIRL

Anonymous said...

She looks so big there, so tall. And WOW she is actually in the water. What a big girl. We Love You Baby Girl.