Friday, May 30, 2008

My Life Highlights - Month One

Happy One Month Birthday!!!

Happy One Month Birthday!!! We love you very much and Thank God everyday for blessing us with you. It has been a wonderful first month and we are so glad you are finally home with us!!! You bring such joy to our lives and we can't wait for every celebration of you!!! We love you!!

Mommy & Daddy

Mommy and Me In Bed

This morning, Daddy woke up for work and found me lying in bed next to Mommy. I woke up a little early, and went back to bed next to Mommy. That was some good sleeping!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life Is Good!!!

Does life get any better than sitting at the beach
in your Adirondack chair getting your tiki on???

Kisses to you all!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My First Doll

Here are some pictures of My First Doll and me...We are actually the same size!!!

Getting Bigger

I went to the doctor today, and I now weigh 5 lbs, 10 1/2 oz. I am four weeks old today. The doctor is going to see me again in two weeks and in four weeks, I get my first round of shots. I am not looking forward to that! I am still not able to travel (except to the doctor) until after July 1st.

My Friend Polly

We had some good laughs, but that bird can talk!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bath In A Bath Tub

Tonight, I got my first bath with Daddy in a real bath tub. I felt like such a big girl!!! Mommy washed me real good while Daddy held me. No matter your age, you need a rubber duckie if you are taking a bath; makes you feel like a kid. ;)

Aunt Kari & Me

Aunt Tiffany & Me

Looking Good!!!

I got some new sunglasses and I thought I would model them for you...

Waking Up With Dad

Sunday, May 25, 2008

More Pictures Of Me

I took some more pictures today because I keep growing and changing day-by-day.

Mommy, Daddy & Me

Here are some of my favorite pictures of my Mommy, Daddy, and me. We were sitting by our waterfall in the house. It is soooo nice to finally be home!!!

My Weekend - Aunt Tiffany and Aunt Kari Come To Visit

This weekend, my Aunt Tiffany and Aunt Kari came to visit me and got to hold me for the first time. We had a great weekend and I was glad to spend time with them...I have a lot more pictures to show you really soon!!!