Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Am One Week Old Today!!!

It is hard to believe, but I turn one week old today!!! This has been an exciting week of meeting new people, bottles, breasts, and diapers!!! I could end the post here because that really sums up my week...

...However, I also need to update you on how I am doing. I have been eating more and more so they removed my IV from a couple of days ago. But the jaundice caused me to become a little dehydrated and I lost some ounces. For most people, a few ounces lost is no big deal, but when you are as small as me, a few ounces is a lot!!! No reason to be alarmed though, cause I am gaining it back.

The doctors did a cranial exam on me today to make sure my head and brain activity are normal, and they came back just fine...They also are feeding me a lot more and I now will be eating every four hours and sleeping more.

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