Friday, May 16, 2008

Easier Comments & E-Mail Forwarding

We have changed the format in which you can comment for Leilani's blog after some said they had a hard time leaving a comment. It should be easier to comment now. We love to read your comments. Let us know if you like the blog, certain pictures, etc. Simply click comments at the end of the post to let us know how you feel...

You will also notice an envelope with an arrow on it...Click this to e-mail the post to other family or friends. This makes it easier to send a copy to those who may not read the blog.

- Editor & Dad


Anonymous said...

what does this say?

Kevin Johnston said...

This says, We have changed the way you can comment on Leilani's blog. Before, you had to sign on or create an account and type a security word to leave a comment. Some people had a hard time commenting. So, leaving a comment is now easier. No sign-in, no security word.

It also says, we have added a feature to every post that allows readers to e-mail a link to the post to friends and family.

Hopefully, this clears things up...

Anonymous said...

Need a family picture. I have only seen one !!!! And could not see the baby's face

Anonymous said...

RE: Anonymous

I don't know who you are but we will be having family pictures soon!!! It is hard to hold the camera and be in the picture...Keep checking my blog soon