Sunday, May 18, 2008

Me & Thumper

I took some pictures today with my friend, Thumper from the cartoon, Bambi. He is taller than me and almost weighs as much! :) I enjoyed giving him a hug and could have fallen asleep on him.

Sooo Comfy!!!

Big Hug!!!


Anonymous said...

How precious!!!

Kevin Johnston said...

Thank You!!! She can't wait to give you a hug too!!!

Anonymous said...

Leilani you are very beautiful! You are lucky little girl who have 2 wonderful parents! We wish you the best of love and luck in your near future. We will keep you in our continued prayers, and we hope to see you real real soon! Love you Sweet Pea!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: Lanser Fam

Thanks you for the kind words...I feel lucky as well to have a wonderful mom and dad and extended family including all of you!!!I can't wait to meet you and hang out with the girls...